General Description
This workflow describes how EHRs and other clinical software systems use information to provide patients or their caregivers with access to immunization histories via a patient portal within an EHR or other consumer-facing application. Ideally, immunization histories can be printed or electronically transmitted to support a user’s need for sending information to schools, day care centers, summer camps, employers, and others. This workflow is not intended to be the exclusive mechanism for patient access to immunization reports. For example, direct access also may be provided from a public health immunization registry. It is included here to address requirements defined by providers.
Requirements Within this Workflow
8.1: Provide Access to Patient Immunization Record
8.2: Provide Access to Recommendations and Vaccine Information Statement(s)
8.3: Provide Access to Printable Immunization Record
8.4: Provide Access to Update Immunization Information
8.5: Review Patient-Provided Immunization Information
Who Performs this Workflow
- Clinicians (physicians, nurses, and other personnel who assist with providing immunizations)
- Patients or caregivers with permission to access an individual’s information in a personal health record (PHR) or through external access to the provider’s EHR (for example, a portal).
Examples of Work Related to This Workflow
- Providers and representatives from public health immunization registries indicate that consumers have significant interest in accessing and printing their own up-to-date immunization records.
- Providers indicate that there is a large seasonal influx of requests for immunization records in late spring – to meet summer camp requirements – and late summer – to meet school requests. Employers impose similar requirements for immunization records from their prospective or current employees.
- CDC provides references to find specific state-required forms for reporting immunization histories for healthcare workers and patients by employee type,[1] and for daycare facilities and schools.[2] These searchable web sites are helpful to determine individual requirements, but highlight the differences among the states for employee, daycare, and school criteria. As examples, some provider report formats are provided in PDF format and others in Excel. Schools must further report they have complied with state regulations for vaccines required for school entry. Providers that practice near state borders are, therefore, required to use various formats for the complete patient immunization history report.
[1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. State Immunization Laws for Healthcare Workers and Patients. December 16, 2013. Web. 14 March 2014. Available at: Accessed 9 December 2014.
[2] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. School Vaccination Requirements, Exemptions & Web Links. July 21, 2011. Web. 14 March 2014. Available at: Accessed 9 December 2014.