3.8: Save History of Clinical Decision Support Recommendations


The system saves a history of information it accessed during clinical decision support data analysis, as well as the recommendation presented to the provider (or no recommendation if none was provided), and any actions taken by the provider for later analysis.


The system administrator in a medical practice reviews all recommendations provided by clinical decision support system, with particular emphasis on those recommendations that have been ignored by the provider. From the review and discussion with the staff, the administrator is able to eliminate alerts that have no value.


The capability addresses two of the “ten commandments of effective clinical decision support” presented in the section pertaining to capability 3.5.  Such generic EHR capability is not yet commonplace. The capability could allow organizations to address those recommendations that have been ignored by the provider to change processes or to eliminate notifications and alerts that have no value.

  • Vendor Perspective. Vendors should have governance principles and processes to manage clinical decision support effectiveness in general, and specifically for immunization-related activities.
  • Provider and Implementer Perspective. Providers should understand vendor processes and timeliness for managing clinical decision support effectiveness, and specifically address immunization-related content.


There are no tests for this capability.

Data Elements

There are no data elements for this capability.