Overview of Scenario
The EHR or other clinical software system records information about each vaccine administered. The EHR records this information as structured data elements, including, at a minimum: date administered, administering clinician, site of administration (e.g., left arm), immunization type, product, lot number, manufacturer, Vaccine Information Statement date, and quantity of vaccine/dose size.
Example of Scenario
The nurse about to administer a vaccine to Juana Maria Gonzales Morales first enters the date, the nurse’s name, the site of administration, immunization type, lot number, manufacturer, Vaccine Information Statement date, and the amount of vaccine to be administered. The EHR in the practice she works allows this information to be entered manually or using bar codes.
All products evaluated can record expected information for vaccines the provider administers. The data set used for evaluation include elements listed in the HL7 2.5.1 implementation guide version 1.5 for immunizations as required (R), required if exist (RE), optional (O), and conditional (C) to ensure the products could capture and store all data if it is available.
Refer to model UCD documentation for forecasting and data quality. The products evaluated show limited functional restrictions to address the data quality issues identified. UCD is a valuable method for improving the efficiency and effectiveness (quality) of data entry.
- Vendor Perspectives. Due to state statutory requirements and local variation, some public health immunization registries require more data elements in immunization reports. The ability to capture all potential data elements listed in the HL7 implementation guide assure the product can capture the superset of data to support the variation.
- Provider and Implementer Perspectives. Due to state statutory requirements and local variation, some public health immunization registries require more data elements in immunization reports. The ability to capture all potential data elements listed in the HL7 implementation guide assure the product can capture the superset of data to support the variation.
Click here for test script scenarios that include the capability, Record Vaccine Administration. The scripts also indicate successful performance for each of the test sections.
Data Elements
Click here for data elements for the capability, Record Vaccine Administration.