5.10: Produce Standard Patient Immunization History Report

Overview of Scenario

The EHR or other clinical software system produces a report of a patient’s immunization history that is appropriate for various entities, such as schools and day-care centers.

Example of Scenario

The nurse administering vaccines to Maria prints a report of Maria’s complete immunization history, which Maria’s mother can share with her day-care center.


This capability produces an immunization history report that a patient can use to share with other entities. The term “standard” refers to the report the EHR creates without additional configuration or effort. The capability is not prescriptive with respect to the report’s content or its presentation.

All products evaluated provide an updated immunization history for patients whether by printing or by sending the information to the patient’s portal.

Usability evaluation such as a UCD process may inform the content and presentation of such a “standard” form.

  • Vendor Perspective. Usability evaluation such as a UCD process may inform the content and presentation of such a “standard” form.
  • Provider and Implementer Perspective. Discuss preferences for the EHR patient immunization history report with the software vendor.


Click here for test script scenarios that include the capability, Produce Standard Patient Immunization History Report. The script also indicates successful performance for each of the test sections.

Data Elements

There are no data elements for this capability.