2.5: Store Immunization Registry Vaccine History and Forecast (Audit Data)


The system stores the vaccine forecast and the vaccine history as they were received from the public health immunization registry or other sources.  The information can be used for any later quality assurance activities that may be required.


The vaccine history from the public health immunization registry did not include some vaccines that had been administered by Dr. Smith’s practice. The original forecast suggests a schedule to administer some of the vaccines that were missing in the registry. After Dr. Smith reconciles the vaccine history, the additional doses suggested by the forecast are no longer needed. The EHR stores the original forecast in case there is a future audit.


Feedback from EHR vendors and providers suggest that the value of the history from the immunization registry is to update patients’ vaccination records in the EHR. During the reconciliation process, the provider determines which information to accept or which to reject as a duplicate. Once reconciliation has occurred (requirement 2.3) and the EHR presents an updated forecast (requirement 3.3), the value of storing the original data set (history and forecast) received from the registry is not clear. Further feedback is invited about the value of this capability.


There are no tests for this capability.

Data Elements

There are no data elements for this capability.